StoryWorks App Promo

StoryWorks App Promo ad appears on the BBC News app and is a static image with the advertiser's and BBC StoryWork's logos included. It's available on IOS and Android mobile devices.

Markets Availability Global excluding UK
Device Availability Mobile App across Android and iOS
Dimensions (w x h) 300x250
Accepted Ad Formats JPEG and PNG only
HTML5 Not Allowed
Initial file load Max File Size: 200kb
Secondary (Polite) File Download Max Size: N/A
BBC approved third party vendor list Approved 3rd party vendor list
Third Party Ad Serving Creatives 3rd party ad served not available
Third Party tracking 3rd party impression and click trackers allowed. 3rd party vendor must be on BBC's approved vendor list
Third Party Vendor Requirements .eps Logo
Call to Action
Client style guide if required
Execution Guideline

Story Image
Image will be scaled & center cropped so that it fills the full space of the design.
Max 200kb file size

Sponsor Logo
The logo associated with the Sponsor of the content
Image will be scaled so that it's height fits within the dimensions.
Image must be in .jpg on black background or .png with transparent background
Dimension 132x64px

Story Headline
The headline text for the campaign.
The text will wrap indefinitely.
Max 6 50 characters.

Click destination required

Animation/Looping Guidelines N/A
Banner Expansion Guidelines N/A
Video Guidelines No Video allowed
Audio Guidelines No Audio allowed
Ad Submission Deadline 5 Working Days
Ad Policies and Technical Specifications BBC Ad Policies and Technical Specs
Specs Updated 12-Apr-2024