Brands, News & Gen Z

In this study, BBC News aimed to find out what makes Gen Z tick; their relationship with brands and with media brands. We surveyed 12 global markets and people aged between 18 and 24. A key part of the thought-leadership was seeing how Gen Z compare with other cohorts, including Millennials and older generations. We found out Gen Z are different, in terms of their aspirations, careers and how they define success.

We also used our own Science of Engagement tool to measure their emotional engagement, again in direct comparison to older generations. As a brand, you will discover some surprising findings, including what kind of brands Gen Z are attracted to and the role ‘authenticity’ plays in this. We also looked at how international news providers fit into the picture and the value to be gained from advertising with the BBC. Click below to download a PDF summary of the study’s main headlines.

Watch our short video to see some of the main themes

Watch our interviews with Gen Z from six countries

As part of the study we spoke to and filmed six of the Gen Z cohort, aged between 18 and 23 and based in USA, India, Mexico, Germany, Singapore and Nigeria. They told us what authenticity means to them, what an authentic brand looks like and what an authentic media brand looks like, with reference to BBC News. You can play the three videos below.
To see the full presentation and to learn more about how your brand could benefit from these insights, please drop us an email to:

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