
The Leaderboard uses a horizontal format that sits at the top of the site, which can stay static or animated, depending on preference.

Markets Availability Global excluding UK
Device Availability Desktop, Mobile Web, Tablet [Portrait Orientation]
Dimensions (w x h) 728x90 pixels
500 pixels deep when expanded
Accepted Ad Formats HTML5 -Zip folder 100 KB 3rd party Ad Serving Tag
3rd party vendor must be on BBC's approved vendor list
HTML5 Must be 3rd Party Ad Served only.
HTML5 should support GPT Sync, Async and Legacy Dart rendering.
HTML5 should always conform to the ad boundary and visibility that are set by the site, in particular when Ad Div is relocated or hidden on window resizing
For more info on HTML5: https://www.iab.com/guidelines/html5-for-digital-advertising-guidance-for-ad-designers-creative-technologists/
Initial file load Max File Size: 200kb max
Secondary (Polite) File Download Max Size: 300kb max
BBC approved third party vendor list Approved 3rd party vendor list
Third Party Ad Serving Creatives Allowed - 3rd party vendor must be on BBC's approved vendor list
Tag must be SSL/Secured only.
Third Party tracking 3rd Party Impressions Tracking Allowed
3rd Party Click Tracking Allowed
Third Party Vendor Requirements Requirements:
Tracking URLs – Add tracking URLs if available (or upload entire tracking sheet to supporting files)
Supporting Files – Upload all creative assets to be used or referenced in the campaign, especially:
Images (.jpg, .png, .gif, .tif)
Logos (.svg, .eps)
Photoshop or Illustrator projects (.psd, .ai)
Brand guidelines documents (.pdf, .doc)
Fonts (.otf, .ttf)
**All assets can be batched and uploaded in .zip file**
Ad Tag Types - Which platform will the ads be scheduled through?
Basic, Acuity Ads, Adelphic, Adform, Centro Basis, CM360, DV360, GAM (formerly DFP), Google Display Network, IBM Weather, Marketron, Roku OneView, Smart AdServer, The Trade Desk, VPAID
Specify Ad Tag Parameters (optional) - Publisher, Advertiser, Campaign, Vertical, Placement, and Format values can be added to final ad tags for reporting, benchmark and campaign performance purposes.
Execution Guideline 1 pixel black/dark border for creative that has white background.
Ad cannot resemble BBC contents.
Ensure images and landing page are mobile web optimized for Mobile Web.
Animation/Looping Guidelines Animation & Looping: Allowed. Up to 30sec max
Banner Expansion Guidelines Desktop:
Allowed - Can only be click to expand from 728x90 to 728x500 max size with close button.
On Homepage this is Mid-Slot only
Expansion is Top Slot Only
Can include Rich Media - See Glossary
Click to expand & close button

Mobile web:
Allowed - User Tap to Full Screen
Must have close button
Video Guidelines Allowed:-
Video max duration: 15sec (Auto-play, sound on mute)
Video max duration: 30sec (User click to play, sound on mute)
Must implement Play/Pause, Audio On/Off Toggle Button Video
Max File size: 2.2MB
Frame rate: 24fps recommended
Audio Guidelines Allowed - Sound must be on mute.
Must implement Audio On/Off Toggle button
Ad Submission Deadline 5 Working Days
Ad Policies and Technical Specifications BBC Ad Policies and Technical Specs
Specs Updated 18-Feb-2025

Markets Availability Global excluding UK
Device Availability Desktop, Mobile Web, Tablet [Portrait Orientation]
Dimensions (w x h) 728x90 pixels
Accepted Ad Formats GIF, JPEG, PNG - 150 Kb
HTML5 -Zip folder 100 KB
3rd party Ad Serving Tag
3rd party vendor must be on BBC's approved vendor list
HTML5 Must be 3rd Party Ad Served only.
HTML5 should support GPT Sync, Async and Legacy Dart rendering.
HTML5 should always conform to the ad boundary and visibility that are set by the site, in particular when Ad Div is relocated or hidden on window resizing
For more info on HTML5: https://www.iab.com/guidelines/html5-for-digital-advertising-guidance-for-ad-designers-creative-technologists/
Initial file load Max File Size: N/A
Secondary (Polite) File Download Max Size: N/A
BBC approved third party vendor list Approved 3rd party vendor list
Third Party Ad Serving Creatives Allowed - 3rd party vendor must be on BBC's approved vendor list
Tag must be SSL/Secured only.
Third Party tracking 3rd Party Impressions Tracking Allowed
3rd Party Click Tracking Allowed
Third Party Vendor Requirements N/A
Execution Guideline 1 pixel black/dark border for creative that has white background.
Ad cannot resemble BBC contents.
Ensure images and landing page are mobile web optimized for Mobile Web .
Animation/Looping Guidelines Animation & Looping: Allowed. Up to 30sec max
Banner Expansion Guidelines N/A
Video Guidelines N/A
Audio Guidelines N/A
Ad Submission Deadline 5 Working Days
Ad Policies and Technical Specifications BBC Ad Policies and Technical Specs
Specs Updated 18-Feb-2025